1. This showcase project is Free Seating, therefore, you will not be allocated a specific seat. You will not be sent a ticket, and must bring your confirmation emails.
2. Seating is served on a first-come, first-served basis. We cannot reserve spaces unless paid for.
3. Once tickets to the showcase are purchased, the contract between you and WHAM Theatre Schools in relation to the showcase project will be formed. After entering into the contract, you may not cancel tickets, or request exchanges/refunds. This includes in the event of emergency or illness. In the unlikely event that the showcase is cancelled by us, a full refund will be issued to all.
4. All Students participating in this showcase project must arrive at the venue at the times requested by the Principal & Team. Failure to do so will result in the student not being able to participate in this showcase project. All relevant costumes, props and uniform MUST be sent with the performers / students.
5. Ticket holders MUST attend in good time and latecomers may not be able to participate. In the event that it is not possible to admit a latecomer, no refunds will be offered.
6. We ask audience members to show respect to the performers and the audience members during the event. This includes no talking, no mobile phones or screen devices being used, and to remain in your allocated seat throughout the performance.
1. Please consider to take Toilet trips before and after the event.
2. Parents, Guardians & Carers, and Audience members must not distract their child whilst they are performing on stage.
3. Parents, Guardians & Carers and Audience members must not stand in the middle of performances and restrict views of other paying audience members whose child is also performing.
4. Whilst we welcome siblings/young children to watch the performance, we ask parents to carefully consider if their little one is able to remain quietly seated (without use of screen time as above) for the full performance. Though most spectators/visitors will be a parent, and understanding, it would not be fair for a child to be admitted if they are distracting throughout.
5. The staff have been instructed to act upon these guidelines, as they would with any other professional show.
1. Our Management / Teaching team will be busy backstage ensuring our students are prepared for their performances. Our students safeguarding is our the main priority on the day. Please respect that they may not be able to deal with non-urgent matters and greet parents/guardians/visitors individually. Therefore, please do not be offended if your request to speak to a particular staff member is declined.
2. As per our Safeguarding Policy, Parents & Guardians are prohibited from entering the backstage area unless in a medical emergency or with permission from a member of the team.
Licencing permission is granted by the local council, which demands the strictest restrictions backstage and in the performance venue. We encourage independent development & growth when students are in our care, which, like school, cannot be achieved with accompanying parents & guardians.
3. We will have registers for each individual group, class or team, wth emergency contact details on for each student, as well as any medical requirements. It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to ensure these details are up to date. Verbal communication is not an accepted , and must be put in writing (not text messaging) then acknowledged by one of the WHAM team.
4. Please ensure your child is prepared with required costumes, props, resources, food, and any other items when attending the venue on the day of the showcase. Our team may not be able to acknowledge texts, calls and messages immediately when preparing students for the performances.
5. Please do not send your child with any expensive belongings or devices on the day of the showcase, or rehearsals. Our team will not be held responsible for lost items including mobile phones, computers, clothing, technology or anything else.
WHAM Theatre Schools will appoint professional photographers/videographer to document the event. We only allow photographers/videographers that have undertaken an Enhanced DBS Check to attend the showcase/event. As a Theatre School, we are fortunate enough to be able to process these checks to those who do not have them. Therefore, there is no reason for a Photographer not to have an Enhanced DBS Check when working with us.
Once the images have been processed & edited, we will notify parents and these can be made available to them for no extra charge. Only our professional & enhanced DBS checked photographers will be permitted to take pictures and film in the performance space.
Only WHAM Theatre Schools have received media releases for students, therefore, audience members do not have the permission to take their own photos of other children.
Therefore, parents are not permitted to take their own film/pictures as this infringes upon Child Protection Rules.
Failure to comply may mean you are asked to leave the auditorium and destroy any pictures/film taken. In this event, no refunds will be given.
Pictures and video excerpts may appear on WHAM Theatre Schools marketing materials, social media and on our website. Children will never publicly be pictured alongside their full name.
Parents must notify WHAM Theatre Schools in writing prior to tickets being purchased if they are unhappy with this media release. It may mean that we are unable to accept your child onto this particular event.
In similar fashion, if there are any safeguarding reasons why we are unable to photograph a child, this must be clearly communicated to us before entering the contract so that we can assess if we are able to safely accommodate the request.
If parents/carers revoke the right of the media release for this event at any stage after the event takes place, the said parent/carer will be liable for all photography/videography costs, plus the administration and legal costings associated with revoking said materials. This amount is not restricted.
By entering this contract, parents agree to us taking pictures and video of the event as described above.